About Om…

Born in central India into the lineage of monks and priests of the Ramanujacharya tradition, in childhood Om trained from a young age under his father in philosophy, debate and spiritual theory, with a particular focus on the teachings of Lord Buddha, the study of Indian mythology, and the practice of vipassana.

As a young man in pursuit of spiritual knowledge, he lived for many years in an ashram where he studied vedantic philosophy and the practices of yoga and tantra in the sannyasa tradition. 

After leaving the ashram he continued his spiritual practices, making many pilgrimages to various tirthas in India, and was finally initiated into the tantric tradition of Juna Akhara in the lineage of Adi Shankaracharya on the banks of the Narmada river.

Having spent many years learning from his masters and gurus, Om now teaches the practices of yoga and tantra and the philosophy of Indian spiritual traditions to yoga teachers and students of ancient Indian knowledge.

Om teaches through one-on-one sessions, satsangs and courses – both in person and online – from his home in Liverpool UK, where he lives with his wife – Anna – and their two cats – Aja and Kali.

Purpose defines the practice 

Om Tirth

Om’s teaching style is unique. He is enlightening, deep and passionate about his tradition, lineage and about Indian culture. He is direct, and often challenges modern interpretations of yoga and Indian spirituality with good humoured grace, providing a fresh, enlightening contrast to many modern perspectives.

Om works hard to give his students the most enriching insights into mother India and her spiritual teachings, making him a unique guide to Indian spiritual tradition. 


  • Om, I really love your workshops! Your warmth and humour in combination with your deep knowledge and focus creates a safe space where I get helpful tools to develop my practice.

    I am very grateful!

  • Om’s teachings are deep, very historical and knowledgeable on yoga and its multi-limb practice.

    He is unique for the West as he is educated, learned and has also been to the epicentre(s) of the practice via gurus in the Himalayas, the class room and real world discipline and teaching.

  • To be able to learn from Om from the comfort of my own home is a blessing and possibly the best thing to come out of the pandemic. The knowledge and wisdom that Om has goes way beyond what you would learn in a TTC or read in a book. Om adds context and shines light onto subjects in a humorous way.

    It feels special, and for any yoga teachers, this will transform not only your personal practice but your teaching also – thank you Om!

  • I attended Om’s Sun Salutation workshop and thoroughly enjoyed all of it. From the simple but detailed instructions for the physical and spiritual practice to mythology and Indian tradition. The information was easy to digest. 
    I would 100% recommend and encourage anyone with an interest in this ancient Indian tradition to attended and be taught by an authentic teacher
  •  I thought the work shop stayed true to what you intended which was traditional I feel this is very important as it helps to know the true essence of the practice as these days there’s a lot that mixed  practices that lose the true essence, which I feel loses the true intention so I thank you for keeping it real and sharing your knowledge.
    On a whole the workshop was excellent, it was well led and full of very useful information
  • I really enjoyed Om’s Sun Salutation Workshop. He gave explanations on the authentic spiritual tradition of the practice, as well as detailed instructions on the poses and their purpose. I really appreciated diving deep into the practice and its meaning, going beyond just the physical exercise. 

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