Kirtan & satsang…

The term ‘satsang‘ literally means ‘to be in the company of truth‘. Satsangs are often deeply philosophical, providing rate space for deep contemplation and an opportunity to develop a profound understanding of life’s big questions. Often ideas and perspectives are shattered as universal truths are revealed. The term ‘satsang’ can refer to a wide ranging talk on and around a subject, or time spent together in the practice of, for instance, kirtan or havan.

Kirtan is a practice of mantra japa (repetition of mantras) combined with the divine vibrations of traditional Indian instruments such as the harmoniums and mridangam (drum). The practice of kirtan is part of ‘Nada Yoga’ – one of the most profound ways to release the emotions and cleanse the heart and mind which makes a big part of Bhakti Yoga. It is a great way to unwind, release mental and emotional tension and build inner strength.

During Om’s traditional Kirtan and storytelling session, he takes you on a journey of relaxation of the heart and release for the mind and emotions. He guides you through a series kirtans (chant sheets provided for singing along), interspersed with with stories from Upnishad and Puranas (Indian spiritual texts). Often he will give enlightening explanations of the spiritual symbolism of various deities that originate in traditional Indian spirituality.

No prior experience of mantra, kirtan or singing is needed. All you need is an open heart and mind, and a liking for music! This session is accessible to all levels – from beginner to advanced students and experienced teachers.

Om offers these sessions for small or large groups, often in collaboration with yoga studios. Sessions are often themed, focussing on various deities, topics across yoga, tantra and spirituality as well as lifestyle topics such as happiness, purpose and meaning in modern life.

Even the mundane can be revealed as divine when contemplated in satsang…

Om Tirth

Upcoming kirtan & satsang sessions...

Details of upcoming satsangs can be found on our Instagram, Facebook.

Many sessions can be booked online on the ‘book a session’ page of our website

Previous satsangs...

Most of Om’s previous online satsangs series are available to access online.

Each satsang or satsang mini-series attempts to shed light on specific topics from yogic, vedantic and tantric philosophy…

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