
Om’s one-on-one sessions are inspired by the traditional guru-disciple relationship, where a teacher and a student develop a deep personal relationship that allows the guru to impart wisdom deeply and profoundly, in the way that it can be best received by the student.

In Indian spiritual traditions, the culture of gurukula – meaning ‘living with the guru’ – allows the teacher to provide more profound individual guidance, resulting in an increased depth of spiritual teaching imparted from teacher to student.

Om takes one-on-one sessions with students, teachers and seekers – from all walks of life, and with a variety of aims for their sessions.

Om offers a complementary introductory one-on-one session for anyone interested in taking on-on-one classes. Please check the ‘book a session‘ page to arrange this online or in person, or contact us to discuss.  

If you have any questions, please get in touch.

Personal development...

Personal development sessions designed for any student of yoga and/or spirituality, to help you explore your questions about life, practice, God, spirituality, and your day-to-day experiences in a personal way.

The topics and pace are set by you, and Om works with you on whatever you choose as a priority.

Typically, Om provides practical and individual guidance for navigating the modern world, as well as specific life and health issues, all based on the timeless knowledge of ancient Indian philosophy.

If you want to know more get in touch or book a free introductory session either online or in person

Sessions from £35

Professional development...

Professional development sessions designed for yoga teachers to help you in both your personal practice and your professional life.

Om works with many yoga teachers to help them maintain, expand and develop their personal practice, but also to re-inspire them, reminding them why they became captivated by yoga in the first place. He also works with teachers who want to develop or deliver specific retreats, or feel competent with teaching particular practices, such as meditation or mantra.

If you want to know more get in touch or book a free introductory session either online or in person

Sessions from £35

In-depth scriptural study...

In-depth scriptural study sessions designed for serious students of Indian scripture, to help them delve deeply into the texts and their questions.

As more and more students of spirituality want to explore Indian scriptures, traditions and practices, more and more people are searching for l=help decoding and processing those teachings.

As a well-versed guide to spiritual tradition, Om is a unique guide to help serious spiritual students understand and decode scripture, learn advanced practices or traditions of puja or ritual. Guided by you and your interests, specific scriptures or practices will be explored and taught in detail over a course of sessions.

If you want to know more get in touch or book a free introductory session either online or in person

Sessions from £35

Om teaches a variety of students – from beginners to advanced – from any and all backgrounds.

If you are interested in understanding life, human nature, yoga, tantra, vedanta, India, God, history, spirituality, philosophy – or anything else for that matter – get in touch to discuss your needs.

Sessions are tailored to you, and can be made suitable for anyone.

Om normally teaches in courses of 5, 10 or 20 sessions, but this is again tailored to your needs – so get in touch. Prices are also set according to means.

Open to all new students, to check that the sessions will be right for you.

Get in touch...

Let’s talk. We reply within within 1 business day. 

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